Justice is served to a biker who was the victim of police brutality!

Justice is served to a biker who was the victim of police brutality!

Justice is served to a biker who was the victim of police brutality!

In the past months there was a viral video from 2012 of a biker being chased down the road, and then once he stops on the side of a crossroad, the Oregon Police Officer rammed him with the car, knocking him over, only to get out and then kick him in the chest before arresting him. Not wanting to judge beforehand we just showed to video of the biker named Justin Wilkens and only warned about possible police brutality. Well it turned out that the court agreed with our opinion and ruled in favor of the biker, and awarded him $ 180 000 as a settlement for damages and injuries. Now we ask a different question. Since apparently the police officer did use excessive force, should still keep his job?

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